Shipping Point Fruit Report - Phoenix, AZ

PHOENIX Shipping Point Prices as of 22-FEB-2024 Provided by: Specialty Crops Market News Federal - State Market News Service, USDA. Phone: (602) 557-0410 Fax: (602) Prices represent open (spot) market sales by first handlers on product of generally good quality and condition unless otherwise stated and may include promotional allowances or other incentives. No consideration is given to after-sale adjustments unless otherwise stated. Reported prices generally include, but are not limited to, applicable brokerage fees and commissions, Customs fees and duties, U.S. packaging and U.S. freight costs prior to first sale, paid by the shipper/seller. Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis excludes all charges for freight after sale. IX_FV110 Phoenix, AZ: Sunny 52-76 Yuma, AZ: Sunny 53-77 Bakersfield, CA: Cloudy 46-66 San Luis, AZ: Sunny 52-77 Coachella, CA: Sunny 54-77 El Centro, CA: Sunny 51-78 Fresno, CA: Cloudy 43-66 Huron, CA: Sunny 42-65 Oxnard, CA: Sunny 50-62 Salinas, CA: Sunny 44-63 Santa Maria, CA: Sunny 44-65 McAllen, TX: Cloudy 61-88 San Antonio, TX: Cloudy 57-89 Culiacan, SI MX: Sunny 58-93 Hermosillo, SO MX: Sunny 55-82 Caborca, SO MX: Sunny 54-81 Morelia, MI MX: Sunny 45-87 Torreon, CO MX: Sunny 53-87 Veracruz, VE MX: Cloudy 61-84 Villahermosa, TB MX: Sunny 59-88 CENTRAL & SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AND ARIZONA Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis CITRUS FRUITS 2023 Season ---GRAPEFRUIT: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. 7/10 bushel cartons Rio Red Shprs 1st Grade 23s 28.10-29.95 27s 28.10-30.95 32s 27.10-29.95 36s 27.10-29.95 40s 26.10-27.95 48s 25.10-26.95 56s 24.10-25.95 ---LEMONS: SUPPLY 165S-200S FAIRLY LIGHT. DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. 7/10 bushel cartons Shprs 1st Grade 75s 22.00-29.10 mostly 24.10-26.95 95s 22.00-30.10 mostly 25.10-27.10 115s 22.00-30.10 mostly 26.10-29.10 140s 23.10-31.95 mostly 26.10-29.10 165s 25.10-32.95 mostly 27.10-30.95 200s 23.10-30.95 mostly 27.95-30.10 235s 21.10-28.10 mostly 24.10-26.10 Shprs Choice 75s 16.95-21.10 mostly 17.10-19.10 occasional lower 95s 17.10-22.10 mostly 18.95-21.10 occasional higher 115s 17.95-22.10 mostly 20.10-22.10 occasional higher 140s 18.95-25.10 mostly 22.95-25.10 165s 21.95-26.95 mostly 22.95-25.10 200s 21.10-30.10 mostly 22.95-24.95 235s 15.10-21.95 mostly 19.10-21.95 ORGANIC 7/10 bushel cartons Shprs 1st Grade 75s 29.00-38.00 mostly 32.95-35.95 95s 32.95-40.00 mostly 35.95-38.95 115s 32.95-40.00 mostly 35.95-38.95 occasional higher. 140s 32.95-38.00 mostly 35.00-38.00 Shprs Choice 75s 22.95-26.95 mostly 24.00-26.95 95s 22.95-32.00 mostly 24.00-26.95 115s 22.95-32.00 mostly 24.00-26.95 140s 22.95-32.00 mostly 26.00-29.00 165s 23.95-27.95 mostly 25.95-27.95 ---ORANGES: SUPPLY NAVEL 113-138S LIGHT. DEMAND NAVEL 113-138S GOOD, OTHERS MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. 7/10 bushel cartons Navel Shprs 1st Grade 40s 14.65-20.95 mostly 15.95-18.10 48s 15.95-24.95 mostly 19.10-21.10 56s 17.95-24.95 mostly 20.10-22.95 72s 20.00-26.10 mostly 22.65-25.10 88s 23.95-28.10 mostly 23.95-25.95 113s 24.95-35.10 mostly 27.10-30.10 138s 24.95-35.10 mostly 27.10-30.10 Shprs Choice 40s 12.65-18.10 mostly 15.10-17.95 48s 14.10-20.10 mostly 16.95-18.95 56s 15.10-20.10 mostly 16.95-18.95 72s 16.95-24.10 mostly 20.65-22.10 88s 21.95-28.10 mostly 22.95-25.10 113s 22.95-34.10 mostly 25.95-28.10 138s 22.95-34.10 mostly 25.95-28.10 Cara Cara Shprs 1st Grade 40s 17.10-30.95 mostly 22.10-24.10 48s 17.10-30.95 mostly 22.10-24.10 56s 20.95-32.95 mostly 22.10-24.10 72s 20.95-31.95 mostly 22.10-24.10 88s 20.95-28.10 mostly 22.10-24.10 113s 22.10-35.10 mostly 23.10-25.95 138s 21.10-26.10 mostly 22.10-24.10 occasional higher. Shprs Choice 40s 14.10-18.95 mostly 16.95-18.95 48s 14.10-20.10 mostly 18.10-20.10 56s 14.10-20.10 mostly 18.10-20.10 72s 18.10-22.10 mostly 20.10-22.10 88s 20.95-27.10 mostly 20.95-23.10 113s 20.95-26.10 mostly 20.95-23.10 occasional higher. 138s 19.95-26.10 mostly 20.95-23.10 occasional higher. ORGANIC 7/10 bushel cartons Navel Shprs 1st Grade 40s 26.00-38.00 mostly 26.00-28.35 48s 32.00-38.00 mostly 35.00-38.00 56s 32.00-38.00 mostly 35.00-38.00 72s 32.00-38.00 mostly 35.00-38.00 88s 35.00-38.35 113s 35.00-39.35 Shprs Choice 40s 18.00-28.00 mostly 18.00-20.00 48s 25.00-28.00 56s 25.00-28.00 72s 25.00-28.35 88s 28.00-30.00 113s 28.00-30.00 Cara Cara Shprs 1st Grade 48s 38.00-44.00 mostly 38.00-42.00 56s 38.00-44.00 mostly 38.00-42.00 72s 38.00-44.35 mostly 40.00-44.35 88s 38.00-44.35 mostly 40.00-44.35 113s 40.00-44.00 Shprs Choice 48s 28.00-33.00 mostly 28.00-31.00 56s 28.00-33.00 mostly 28.00-31.00 72s 28.00-33.00 mostly 30.00-33.00 88s 28.00-33.00 mostly 30.00-33.00 113s 28.00-31.00 ---TANGELOS: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. 7/10 bushel cartons Minneola Shprs 1st Grade 48s 24.95-31.10 mostly 28.10-31.10 56s 24.95-31.10 mostly 28.10-31.10 64s 24.95-31.10 mostly 28.10-31.10 80s 24.95-31.10 mostly 28.10-31.10 100s 25.10-27.10 125s 24.95-26.10 150s 21.95-25.10 mostly 21.95-23.95 Shprs Choice 48s 24.95-26.10 56s 24.95-30.10 mostly 24.95-26.95 64s 24.95-30.10 mostly 24.95-26.95 80s 23.95-30.10 mostly 23.95-25.95 100s 22.95-25.10 125s 21.95-25.10 mostly 23.10-25.10 150s 19.95-23.10 mostly 19.95-21.95 LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY, TEXAS Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis CITRUS FRUITS 2023 Season ---GRAPEFRUIT: DEMAND FAIRLY GOOD. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. 7/10 bushel cartons Marked Rio Star Texas Fancy 27s 36.75-38.75 32s 32.75-34.75 36s 30.75-32.75 40s 26.75-28.75 48s 24.75-25.75 56s 23.75-25.75 Texas Choice 27s 24.75-26.75 32s 22.75-24.75 36s 20.75-22.75 40s 18.75-20.75 ---ORANGES: DEMAND GOOD. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. 7/10 bushel cartons Valencia U.S. Combination 48s 19.75-21.75 56s 20.75-22.75 64s 22.75-24.75 72s 28.75-30.75 88s 32.75-34.75 113s 32.75-34.75 138s 32.75-34.75 Texas Choice 48s 19.75-21.75 56s 19.75-21.75 64s 19.75-21.75 MEXICO CROSSINGS THROUGH NOGALES, ARIZONA Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis CITRUS FRUITS 2023 Season ---GRAPEFRUIT: SUPPLY VERY LIGHT AND IN FEW HANDS. DEMAND FAIRLY GOOD. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. Prices include few Flame variety. 7/10 bushel cartons Rio Red No Grade Marks 23s 18.95-20.95 mostly 19.95-20.50 occasional higher 27s 18.95-20.95 mostly 19.95-20.50 occasional higher 32s 18.95-20.95 mostly 19.95-20.50 occasional higher 36s 18.95-20.95 mostly 19.95-20.50 occasional higher 40s 17.95-19.95 occasional higher 48s 16.95-18.95 occasional higher ---ORANGES: SUPPLY VERY LIGHT AND IN FEW HANDS. DEMAND FAIRLY GOOD. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. Varieties include Hamlin, Marr and Valencia. 7/10 bushel cartons Early Varieties No Grade Marks 56s 19.95-22.95 mostly 20.95-21.95 occasional higher 72s 19.95-22.95 mostly 20.95-21.95 occasional higher 88s 19.95-23.95 mostly 20.95-21.95 occasional higher 113s 19.95-23.95 mostly 20.95-21.95 occasional higher 138s 17.95-18.95 occasional higher MEXICO CROSSINGS THROUGH NOGALES, ARIZONA Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis CITRUS FRUITS 2024 Season ---TANGERINES: DEMAND FAIRLY GOOD. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. 7/10 bushel cartons W. Murcott Afourer 64s 26.95-33.95 mostly 29.95-31.95 occasional higher 80s 26.95-33.95 mostly 29.95-31.95 occasional higher 100s 25.95-32.95 mostly 28.95-30.95 occasional higher MEXICO CROSSINGS THROUGH NOGALES, ARIZONA Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis MELONS 2023 Season ---HONEYDEWS: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET 5S ABOUT STEADY, OTHERS SLIGHTLY HIGHER. Extra services included. Supplies in few hands. 2/3 cartons 5s 11.00-14.95 mostly 12.95-13.95 6s 11.00-12.45 8s 8.00-10.95 mostly 9.00 one label 12.45 ---WATERMELONS: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET 35, 45 AND 60 COUNT SLIGHTLY LOWER, OTHERS ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. Wide range in quality and condition. cartons Red Flesh Seedless Type 4s 28.95-32.95 mostly 30.95-31.95 occasional higher 5s 28.95-32.95 mostly 30.95-31.95 one label 34.95 6s 28.95-32.95 mostly 30.95-31.95 Red Flesh Seedless Miniature 6s 12.95-14.95 few 15.95 8s 13.95-14.95 few 15.95 9s 12.95-14.95 mostly 12.95-13.95 24 inch bins Red Flesh Seedless Type approx 35 count 280.00-308.00 mostly 294.00-300.00 occasional higher approx 45 count 280.00-308.00 mostly 294.00-300.00 one label 340.00 approx 60 count 280.00-308.00 mostly 294.00-300.00 occasional higher MEXICO CROSSINGS THROUGH NOGALES, ARIZONA Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis NON-CITRUS FRUITS 2024 Season ---MANGOES: DEMAND FAIRLY LIGHT. cartons 1 layer Ataulfo 12s 13.75-14.00 few 16.95 14s 13.00-14.95 mostly 13.00-13.50 16s 12.00-12.95 mostly 12.00-12.50 occasional higher 18s 11.95-12.50 occasional higher 20s 10.95-12.25 mostly 11.00-11.50 occasional higher FIRST REPORT MEXICO CROSSINGS THROUGH TEXAS Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis CITRUS FRUITS 2023 Season ---LEMONS: DEMAND LIGHT. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Wide range in quality and condition. 7/10 bushel cartons Marked Choice 75s 14.00-17.00 mostly 14.00-16.00 95s 14.00-17.00 mostly 14.00-16.00 115s 14.00-17.00 mostly 14.00-16.00 140s 16.00-19.00 mostly 16.00-18.00 165s 16.00-19.00 mostly 16.00-18.00 200s 16.00-19.00 mostly 16.00-18.00 235s 14.00-18.00 mostly 14.00-16.00 ---LIMES: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Wide range in quality and condition. 40 lb cartons Seedless Type 110s 36.00-42.00 mostly 38.00-42.00 occasional higher fr appear 34.00-38.00 mostly 34.00-36.00 150s 36.00-43.00 mostly 38.00-42.00 occasional higher fr appear 34.00-38.00 mostly 34.00-36.00 175s 40.00-46.00 mostly 40.00-44.00 occasional higher fr appear 36.00-40.00 mostly 36.00-38.00 200s 40.00-46.00 mostly 40.00-44.00 occasional higher fr appear 36.00-40.00 mostly 36.00-38.00 230s 40.00-46.00 mostly 40.00-44.00 occasional higher fr appear 36.00-40.00 mostly 36.00-38.00 250s 38.00-44.00 mostly 38.00-42.00 fr appear 34.00-38.00 mostly 34.00-36.00 flats 10 1-lb mesh bags Seeded Types 12.00-16.00 mostly 14.00-16.00 occasional higher 35-36 lb cartons Seeded Types 400s 23.00-28.00 mostly 24.00-26.00 500s 23.00-28.00 mostly 24.00-26.00 600s 23.00-28.00 mostly 24.00-26.00 MEXICO CROSSINGS THROUGH TEXAS Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis MELONS 2023 Season ---WATERMELONS: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Wide range in quality and condition. 24 inch bins Red Flesh Seedless Type approx 35 count 280.00-310.00 mostly 290.00-310.00 approx 45 count 280.00-315.00 mostly 300.00-315.00 approx 60 count 280.00-305.00 mostly 285.00-300.00 MEXICO CROSSINGS THROUGH TEXAS Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis NON-CITRUS FRUITS 2023 Season ---PAPAYA: DEMAND FAIRLY GOOD. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Wide range in quality and condition. 30-35 lb cartons Tainung 18.00-20.00 mostly 19.00-20.00 35-40 lb cartons Maradol Type 6s 18.00-20.00 mostly 19.00-20.00 7s 20.00-23.00 mostly 21.00-22.00 9s 20.00-23.00 mostly 21.00-22.00 12s 20.00-23.00 mostly 21.00-22.00 ---PINEAPPLES: DEMAND FAIRLY LIGHT. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Wide range in quality. cartons 1 layer golden ripe 5s 12.95-14.95 mostly 12.95-13.95 6s 12.95-14.95 mostly 12.95-13.95 7s 9.95-11.95 mostly 9.95-10.95 8s 9.95-10.95 mostly 9.95 MEXICO CROSSINGS THROUGH TEXAS Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis NON-CITRUS FRUITS 2024 Season ---MANGOES: SUPPLY TOMMY ATKINS LIGHT. DEMAND TOMMY ATKINS GOOD, ATAULFO MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Wide range in quality. cartons 1 layer Tommy Atkins 6s 15.00-16.50 mostly 15.00-16.00 7s 15.00-16.50 mostly 15.00-16.00 8s 15.00-16.50 mostly 15.00-16.00 9s 14.00-15.50 mostly 14.50-15.50 10s 13.00-14.50 mostly 13.00-14.00 12s 13.00-14.50 mostly 13.00-14.00 Ataulfo 12s 11.00-12.00 few 15.00-16.00 14s 11.00-12.00 few 13.00-14.00 16s 9.00-11.00 mostly 9.00-10.00 18s 8.50-9.50 mostly 8.50-9.00 20s 7.50-8.50 mostly 7.50-8.00 SOUTH & CENTRAL DISTRICT CALIFORNIA Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis CITRUS FRUITS 2023 Season ---GRAPEFRUIT: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET STEADY. Extra services included. 7/10 bushel cartons Star Ruby Shprs 1st Grade 23s 25.95-30.10 mostly 25.95-27.95 27s 25.95-31.10 mostly 25.95-27.95 32s 24.95-30.10 mostly 24.95-26.95 36s 24.95-30.10 mostly 24.95-26.95 40s 22.95-28.10 mostly 24.95-26.95 48s 20.95-27.10 mostly 22.95-24.95 56s 19.95-26.10 mostly 19.95-21.95